Wow, what a happy scene of friends, family, fellow photographers, and neighbors coming together to watch Carol's moments of fame on The Learning Channel premiere of "Running of the Brides." Whether you were able to attend the premiere party or not, thank you so much for your enthusiastic support!

Here's the scene in our back yard, enjoying the show while eating homemade pudding and other yummy desserts. It felt like a perfect summer evening, and it reminded some of going to a drive-in movie in the old days, only better.

Allison and Rob said, "Carol is the best. She captured our wedding exquisitely, and has become more than just our wedding photographer. We're so proud of the many awards that she's won for her work. It was great fun being part of her official screening of "Running of the Brides." We cheered every time we saw Carol on the screen. She's not only a fabulous photog, she makes a mean chocolate bread pudding and flan!"

Liz and Rony Solovey, whose wedding Carol photographed last year, said, "We're really happy and excited to be here, supporting Carol and sharing this moment with her. We had a fabulous wedding and we're so happy that we chose Carol to capture the day for us."

Photographers, clients, friends, and neighbors glued to the tube.

The shock and awe of watching so many women battling to try on so many dresses in so little time.