I had the joy of having a little time off last week, much needed medicine for the stressed adrenal glands after a health scare. (Everything's OK, by the way). Beth and I went to CA, where she had some leadership development work for a couple of days. But before her work we had a little play time at
Point Reyes National Seashore. Here's just a few of the fabulous sights we saw:

This elephant seal fallumped itself up away from the beach onto a little patch of nice soft grass. Turns out it was in the grassy gulley on the edge of the paved path that went down to the water, and thanks to the distracting view of Drake's headlands ahead, we walked right past this adorable, once nearly extinct wonder of the natural world while walking down the path. We didn't notice it's soft eyes (or enormous girth) until we walked back up the hill.

The seemingly miles long fence on the road to the Point Reyes Lighthouse.

In Marin, it's best to stop to say
hello to the cows.

A fun piece of tens-of-millions-of-years-old Point Reyes conglomerate (that's geology-speak for neat rocks).

Me catching some rays during a sun shower - thanks to Beth for the photo!
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