Monday, June 22, 2009

Finding the joy in rain

Aren't you sick of this weather? I was feeling that way yesterday, until my wife and I set out for a late afternoon walk despite the heavy weather. We agreed that if we didn't get outside for at least a few minutes that the day wouldn't quite feel complete. So off we went, right out our front door into the hills and dales of our neighborhood, as we so often do when we need a fix of light and air and exercise and catching up. What happened was remarkable.

While we've been walking in this neighborhood for 15 years or so, we suddenly realized that on this day, this walk, we had let the direction of our steps be taken over by the curiosity of going a route we've never taken before. Each step seemed to be towards something new, away from something old. At the same time, we found in our conversation a new path along the route of an old question. It was so very satisfying to be on an altogether new path in familiar territory, and especially so to realize the connection between the new route and the new conversation.

What would it take for you to get out and get your feet wet on a different path today?

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